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HC Past Series

S6 E45

Episode Summary

Connie tells Will she has a file of patient complaints about his attitude and informs him that she will be observing his bedside manner throughout the day, as the medical drama continues.

Will fails the test dramatically when he assumes a patient is faking her condition and tries to send her home. When she collapses – she is, in fact, seriously ill – her husband threatens to lodge an official complaint with the Board. Will asks Connie to defend him but she refuses to commit herself.

Chrissie asks Carlos to go on a second date but then decides she’s not interested after all. She tells Tricia that he is more her type and she should go for him.

Meanwhile, Chrissie flirts with Owen in front of Diane, leading to an argument between the two women. Owen is keen to show Diane how serious he is about her and the baby, so he suggests that they have Jack christened. Diane is elated but wants to wait until the custody hearing is over.

Jess tries to talk to Zubin about what happened between them last week but he says there is nothing to discuss.

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