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Cas Series

S21 E04

S21 E4 (1 Oct 06) : Heads Together by Joy Wilkinson

Episode Summary

Selena and Nathan are back together, but she wants to keep it from her colleagues. Nathan tries to undermine Harry by offering him a position which he would share with Selena. This plan backfires when it brings the friends closer together, which makes Nathan jealous.

Meanwhile, a new no-smoking policy on hospital premises for staff puts Kelsey in a bad mood. She cheers up when Alice has an idea for a staff game.

Kelsey also treats a former lung cancer patient, Rosie. She is shocked to find she has been smoking through her windpipe, since having a tracheotomy, having been so desperate to keep smoking. This gives Kelsey the incentive to quit herself whilst also offering support to Rosie.

Elsewhere, the rota for the paramedics has been changed behind Josh’s back so that Dixie and Cyd are back in a team together. Josh is unimpressed by the effort to undermine him and partners Cyd with himself. Over the course of the day the relationship between Dixie and Josh improves, and this gives Cyd and Greg a chance to talk as well.

Karen is acting as a surrogate mother for her sister, Wendy, however she is having doubts about becoming a good mother. As they are driving, Wendy tells Karen her feelings and the pair crash. In hospital, Karen goes into labour and has an emergency caesarean. Whilst Wendy looks after Karen’s son, she realises her fears are unfounded.

A man, Doug, falls from scaffolding whilst drunk on the job. A teenage vandal, Niall, comes across him and helps call an ambulance. In hospital, Niall helps cover up Doug’s alcohol abuse but Alice eventually persuades him to tell staff the truth.


* Rosie – infected windpipe.

* Karen – caesarean, baby girl delivered.

* Doug Murray – blod clot in brain.

* Niall – injured foot.

Notable Facts

* ‘Do you know how much they cost?’ Kelsey shouts at Nathan, as he stubs out her cigarette. ‘Another reason to give up,’ he replies.

* ‘Forget about saving lives – you need to get a life!’ Kelsey tells Alice.

* The game Alice has made up is an alphabet game, whereby staff win points for different ailments they treat, by which letter they begin with.

* ‘Why are you doing this Nathan?’ Harry asks, when he is offered the job share. ‘I want what’s best for this department and you’re the best!’. He is later saying exactly the same line to Selena.

* ‘Anything stronger than wine gums and I chuck up!’ Alice tells Niall.

UK Viewing Figures


Screencaps : S21 E4

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