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Cas Series

S9 E18

(11 Feb 95) : Trial and Tribulations by Lilie Ferrari

Episode Summary

It’s the day of Ash’s court hearing. Mike attends while Charlie and Eddie both give evidence.

Estranged wife, Jen, discovers her husband, Tom, is back in town for a demonstration and decides to pay him a visit. At the protest, however, Jen is injured after a tractor traps her legs. She is taken into Holby, where she is revealed to be pregnant. Charlie recognises Tom from his previous days as a medic, before he decided to quit. The couple discuss whether he should give up his demonstrations in future.

James Barnes. a young man with Aids, is told at his clinic that he has Karposi’s sarcoma. He tries to discuss the matter with his partner, Daniel, over a lunchtime drink; but Daniel seems reluctant to talk about it. As James leaves the pub he is attacked. When he is brought into Holby, Jude recognises him. Jude is James’ ‘buddy’ and she takes it upon herself to contact Daniel even though James has stated that he wants no-one called. James is reluctant to talk to the police about the attack and Matt remarks that people should not be afraid to speak out. Jude turns on him; if he believes that, why isn’t he at the court giving evidence on Ash’s behalf? Daniel turns up and confesses to Jude that he doesn’t know how to cope with James’ iminent death. Jude tells him that she is just as frightened and Daniel apologises to James for his selfishness.

Mike calls the department and tells Matt that Ash’s trial isn’t going very well. Following Jude’s outburst, Matt decides to give evidence after all. He tells the court that Hitchins did threaten Ash. A verdict of not guilty is reached and Ash is acquitted. There’s joy amongst the staff, however Evans gets Matt aside and threatens him.


* James Barnes – Aids sufferer with Karposi sarcoma, brought in after being attacked.

* Jenny Hodges – pregnant, with leg injuries.

First Scene/ words

Outside hospital, Jude bumps into her ‘buddy’ James, who’s listening to his walkman;

Jude : Don’t tell me – the Cranberries!

James : Fancy seeing you here!

Jude : I know, nurses in a hospital, becoming an extinct species – managers ten a penny!

Last Words/ scene

Jude : So what made you change your mind?

Matt : Oh a few things

Mike : You’re not worried about Evans and his mates?

Matt : Nah

Mike : Always get Charlie on to them! We ready then, you coming? (Matt looks worried)

Notable Facts

* Daniel Ryan plays Mark Hitchens

* Thomas Craig plays Graham Evans

* Tessa Peake-Jones plays Jenny Hodges

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