Played by Orlando Seale / Sebastian Dunn
S17 E17 – S18 E3
Job Title
PR House Officer
First Words
In S17 E17, Anna arrives at a cafe to meet her blind date. However when he doesn’t show up, Anna gets talking to Merlin Jameson (played by Orlando Seale) instead, and they hit it off well. Next episode, Anna is shocked to discover Merlin is the new PR House Officer. Merlin and Anna start dating. In S17 E23, Anna tries to stop her mother from seeing Merlin for fear of embarrassment. Later Merlin confesses to Anna that he was an adopted child. In S17 E27, Merlin is upset when an adopted patient dies, prompting him to seek out his real parents. In S17 E29, Merlin receives a letter and discovers his birth mother has been found. But he is undecided if he wants to meet her – Anna persuades him it’s the right thing to do. In S17 E30, Merlin arranges to meet her in a restaurant – unaware that his birth mother is also Anna’s mother, Lyn – when Lyn realises who she is there to meet, she walks off. In S17 E31, Merlin is in for a shock when it transpires one of his friends has drug-raped another. He is not the only one to uncover a disturbing revelation, though. Anna offers to go and meet Merlin’s real mother when he is given a second chance, but is scared. Outside, the only person she sees is Lyn. After asking her why she is there, a moment of hesitation provides Anna with the shocking truth. Next episode, Lyn demands to Anna that Merlin should know the truth. In S17 E33, Merlin is given a shock when he learns that Anna is his half sister. Stunned, he is unable to confront her over the secret she’s just revealed, leaving her to sob inconsolably. In S17 E34, Merlin doesn’t cope well with Anna after her shocking revelation. First he suggests they stop working together and then wants to resume their relationship. Anna refuses to contemplate his suggestions. In anger, Merlin confesses to Lyn that Anna has ruined his life – twice.
In S18 E1, Anna, returning to Holby on a packed train, takes a call from Merlin (now played by Sebastian Dunn). He is still shocked by Anna’s pregnancy but she makes it clear that she is not keeping the baby. Later she is involved in a train crash and suffers severe injuries. Though the situation, she realises there is no right or wrong for her love for Merlin. As she is trapped in the wreckage, Merlin arrives at the site and pleads his way on to the carriage. After being removed from the crash site, Merlin keeps a vigil at her bedside and is torn when she refuses to be put on a life support and later dies.
Memorable Moments
- S17 E17 – Merlin and Anna meet after her blind date doesn”t show up.
- S17 E33 – Merlin is shocked to discover Anna is his half-sister.
- S18 E3 – Merlin keeps a vigil at a dying Anna’s bedside.