S1 E9 (9 Mar 99) : Staying Alive (Part 2) by Jeff Povey
Episode Summary
Jasmine is taken to theatre where Nick operates to repair the stab wound in her heart. Meyer needs to be called, but he won’t come at first as he is giving a demonstration of an important op. However, when he finds out that it’s Jasmine he agrees to come. He tells Nick to use his surgical skills and not think about the fact that it’s his friend. The operation appears to be successful, but everyone is very worried. Carl is especially concerned. The police realise it must have been Darren’s mates after seeing CCTV footage but Darren won’t tell the police their names.
A man is brought up from A&E having suffered a heart attack in a lap-dancing club. He defends himself saying it’s a respectable club and that one of the nurses on the ward works there. When Karen finds out it’s Julie, she tells her off but Julie says she was desperate for money. Karen offers her Jasmine’s job temporarily which Julie accepts, and decides to give up the lap dancing.
Jasmine’s on the ward and looks like she’s recovering when she deteriorates. She also has abdominal injuries and a general surgeon operates quickly and discovers Jasmine is pregnant. When Nick tells Julie this, Julie speaks to Darren and says that his mates could be responsible for two murders – and he tells her their names. Meanwhile, Muriel buys Kirstie a bottle of champagne when her exam results come through and she’s passed.
Meyer meets Victoria at Holby who avoids him. Karen tells him that she’s been taking speed, and Victoria suspends her. When she protests, he says it will take a lot of convincing before he’ll let her operate again. She takes the pills out of her locker and flushes them down the toilet. Meyer then goes into theatre to observe, and Jasmine has a cardiac arrest. Meyer shocks her and saves her life. It looks like she should pull through, though there is a high chance of miscarriage.
Dr. McKendrick congratulates Meyer for saving Jasmine’s life and he offers her a drink. They discuss meeting the chief executive to discuss better security. Muriel says she’s persuaded the trust to give four beds to cardiology from surgery. Meyer’s tune changes at this point and he’s angry at her for going behind his back.
Nick asks Meyer for a drink but Meyer says he has to get home, before congratulating him on his performance today. Meyer’s brief moment of compassion is stolen, however, when he tells Nick he’s still got a long way to go. Meyer gets in his car and says “I’ll be in first thing in the morning, as will you” to which Nick responds, “As will we all.”
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