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Cas Series

S10 E24

S10 E24 (24 Feb 96) : Night Moves by David Joss Buckley

Episode Summary

It is the night before the day when Ash and Laura are to get married, but since half the night shift has turned down with the flu, some people have to work. It is also Daniel’s last day at work. The night seems pretty quiet, there are only a few minor patients, such as Javed, a little boy whose parents do not talk English, who seems to have appendicitis andTed Piggott, a drunken man who has fallen and got a cut in his forehead.

Moira Schofield is at home and goes to have a bath. In the middle of the bath she realises that her baby is soon about to get born and she wakes up her husband Stuart to drive them to hospital. At the same time two comedians, Bobby Zee and Jerry Allen, who used to do some shows together when they were younger, are meeting for the first time in years. Jerry is all the time trying to get the other one agree to do something together once again, since both of their careers have gone down recently. They are in a limousine driven by Kay Roberts and she keeps saying that she has to finish working for the day, but Jerry only promises her more and more money if she can stay on work a bit longer.

Wyn Owen has not been able to sleep in the nights since his daughter died so now, every night, he goes out for a run. The two comedians start having a fight in the backseat of the car and when Kay, the driver, tries to make them calm down, she does not see Wyn running into the street straight in front of her. The car hits Wyn and so does the motorcycle coming straight after it as well. Kay loses control of the car and crashes with Moira and Stuart, who are on their way to hospital.

The paramedics are at the RTA scene and quickly take both Wyn Owen and Stuart to hospital. Moira is about to give birth and they only get her to the backseat of the limousine, but there is no time to take her to hospital or even to the closest ambulance. Liz helps Moira give birth to a little baby girl, even though she has never done that before. Later on in hospital Moira tells Stuart, her husband, that she is going to call the baby Liz. Kay, the driver of the limousine, seems to be alright even though she hit her head at the steering wheel in the crash. She helps Moira, but all in sudden, when Josh comes to check her out, she collapses. When they bring her into resus she is deeply unconscious and there is nothing they can do to save her.

Ash’s father is at Ash’s house and he is still strongly against Ash marrying Laura, especially since he has never met the girl and he thinks they are getting married too quickly. Ash tries to make him realise that he loves Laura and that they are not rushing into things, but his father is not easily convinced. Ash also lets out something about Laura being in trouble and that she might lose her job, forcing them to move somewhere else. Ash, however, does not want to say why Laura might be in trouble and he leaves the house. Soon afterwards Laura comes by and finds Ash’s father there on his own. He says he is going to take the morning train back home, but Laura tries to talk him into staying for the wedding. She explains how much she loves him and when Ash’s father asks, she explains about the whole Henry Reeve-Jones business. This seems to convince Ash’s father and he realises that she is a good wife for his son.

Ash is worrying about his father disagreeing with the marriage and he goes to A&E to try to see if he can find something to distract his mind from the problem. He is surprised to find most of his friends there doing a night shift and he helps them find Callum McCarthy, a 20-year-old who has drunk two bottles of GHB and has disappeared, only wearing underpants, from the cubicle where he was meant to sleep off the effects of the drug he had taken. Later on the guy disappears again and Trevor, on his way to pick up some shoes that he has bought Kate as a surprise for the wedding, goes to catch him. Trevor sees the guy run down some stairs and he follows, but half way down he falls down the stairs. Kate is trying to stop Trevor, as they are in a hurry for the wedding, and runs after him, but to her shock she finds Trevor lying on the ground, not moving at all.

Everyone prepares to leave for the wedding. Daniel gets as his last patient a little girl, Rosie, who has swallowed a pentop and cannot breath properly. Daniel, partly to his own surprise, manages to get the cap out before it is too late. Baz has got a picture of the baby from the ultrascan and shows it to Charlie, now saying that it is their baby and not only hers. Everyone leaves for the wedding, even Ash’s father is there in the end, and Laura and Ash get married, while Kate is on a ward, sitting next to an unconscious Trevor.


* Callum McCarthy, a twenty-year-old who has had two bottles of GHB.

* Stuart Schofield, fractured ankles and rightside ribs after an RTA.

* Moira, Stuart’s husband, gives birth in a car after the RTA.

* Kay Roberts, one of the driver, hits head and suddenly goes deeply unconscious and dies.

* Wyn Owen, injured legs after getting hit by car and motorcycle.

* Bobby Zuccherello (Zee), gets a small cut on his cheek in the car crash.

* Ted Piggott, drunkard who has fallen down the stairs of a cathedral, cut in his forehead.

* Javed, a little boy with suspected appendicitis.

* Rosie, a little girl who has swallowed a pen top.

First Scene/words

A heavily pregnant woman comes into a bathroom and begins to run a bath. In the background she is listening to a talkshow on the radio.

Last Scene/words

Ash and Laura get married and kiss each other. Charlie turns around and looks at Baz and they both smile.

Notable Facts

* The staff give Daniel a silver tanker as farewell present.

* Freddie Davies plays Bobby Zee

Review by Karin.

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