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All posts tagged "Azuka Oforka"


Cast past and present will be appearing in a Casualty special edition of Celebrity Pointless. Current cast Di Botcher and George Rainsford and past...


Azuka Oforka bowed out of CASUALTY this weekend, leaving on a a vital storyline highlighting the pressures of nursing in the NHS. Azuka joined...

Cas Previous Appearance

CASUALTY PREVIOUS APPEARANCE : S19 E46 ‘Smokes and Mirrors’ CHARACTER : Tania Kearton STORYLINE : @AzukaOforka in #Casualty 2005 in before her role as...

Cas Actor

Plays Louise Tyler DATE OF BIRTH : 4th December 1981 PREVIOUS CASUALTY APPEARANCE : Azuka played Tania Kearton in S19 E47 ‘Smokes and Mirrors’...

Cas Character

Played by Azuka Oforka Appearance S26 E7 ‘Wild Horses’ – S26 E12 ‘Natural Selection’; S27 E1 ‘Kansas’ – S33 E24 Job Title  Ambulance Control...

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